Once we receive your application for our Debt Management Program , you will be assigned a counselor that will go over your information and your preliminary online quote and will develop a debt management plan for you. Although your creditors will not change, the way in which you make your monthly payment will.  In other words, you will only be making one payment, which you can arrange for automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account on a specified date. Your counselor will then contact you with your new monthly payment and verify your preferred payment date. We will then notify your creditors and make payment arrangements. Within a week or two you will receive a welcome package that confirms your debt management plan and includes other useful information. Also, we don’t just determine a budget for you, we take the time to figure out a budget that will help you make headway on your bills. With our debt counseling help, you can avoid extensive interest charges and late fees while consolidating your debts into a manageable form. We groom a team of highly talented debt management experts who work with you as well as your creditors to structure an arrangement for you. All you have to do is to submit some basic information such as your name, email, phone number, and basic debt situation. Once we hear from you, we put you in touch with a debt management specialist who can get you back on track to a bright financial future. Your counselor will then contact you with your new monthly payment and verify your preferred payment date. We will then notify your creditors and make payment arrangements. Within a week or two you will receive a welcome package that confirms your debt management plan and includes other useful information. Debt management plans involve restructuring your current debt with existing creditors. Money is not loaned, and creditors do not change — but the terms and conditions under which the existing debt can be repaid changes significantly. Under our debt management plan, we will contact your unsecured creditors to notify them that you have enrolled in our Debt Management Program and we will arrange for the terms and benefits typical within this program. Typically these benefits include; the lowest monthly payments and lowest interest rates possible, stopping late fees and other punitive charges, and re-aging accounts to bring them current. We then consolidate those debts into one monthly payment and disburse that payment to your creditors for you each month.

Get Started

Contact us today begin your path to financial freedom. The earlier you start, the sooner you will be debt free! Fill out our form for a free, confidential financial analysis and we will get in touch with you quickly to discuss your best options for becoming debt-free. Here are some reasons why you should get started as soon as possible:

  • Credit card consolidation debt without a loan
  • Cut monthly payments by 20% to 50%
  • Get out of debt in 1/3 the time
  • Lower your payments and educe or eliminate interest
  • Reduce and eliminate all of your debt

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